When we are tempted to lose hope, we must remember that it is not a feeling or an emotion but a virtue, says the bishop of ...
a project years in the making that aims to put the principles for integral development outlined in the pope’s environmental encyclical Laudato Si’ into practice. “Pope Francis believes that ...
The Laudato si’ encyclical was a global event for Christians and, far beyond, for all environmentalists who saw it as Pope Francis' endorsement of their struggle. But has its content been truly ...
This is—to use an expression from the encyclical Laudato si’ (n. 171)—what the current ecosystemic upheavals call us to. The key word is “radical.” It is to be understood not in the ...
In the encyclical Laudato Si’, Pope Francis calls us to attend to this dynamic—the destabilization and instrumentalization of our natural world and oppression of those most vulnerable, within a ...
The Lane Center’s Laudato Si Research Collaborative (2024-2025) celebrates the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis’s encyclical on integral ecology, Laudato Si. This conference is the culmination of USF ...
Our Common Home Exhibition commemorates the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si - On Care For Our Common Home. The encyclical, addressed to all people, advocates for ...
Guests reflected on the history and mission of the initiative, stemming from the inspiration of Pope Francis's 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’, underscoring the urgent need to confront climate change and ...
In an interview with CNA, Scharfenberger said he considers CLM an essential component because it incorporates Pope Francis’ focus in his Laudato Si’ encyclical on caring for creation and justice.
Veronica added that her transition towards veganism is also motivated by a concern of what is happening to the environment, particularly in the light of the Laudato Si’ encyclical that was released in ...