The growth and lifespan of Parvancorina minchami, small anchor-shaped animals that lived on the seafloor about 550 million ...
The study—led by Brad Martin, a Flinders University Ph.D. candidate, with colleagues from Flinders' College of Science and ...
Hedgehog numbers are reportedly down in recent years, as the species has been hit hard by changes to the environment as well ...
A new exhibit is coming to Woodland Park Zoo. The Forest Trailhead exhibit will focus on promoting conservation and exploring ...
Since 2002, emerald ash borers have killed anywhere from 80% to 99% of mature ash in Southeast Michigan and Northeast Ohio.
Black bream swim among Pacific oyster reefs in Port River. Photo: Brad Martin.The introduction of exotic species can pose ...
Saltwater invertebrates, or inverts, as the aquatic community call them, are essential creatures to have in your tank. Not ...
The researchers found that funnel-weaving spiders alter how their silk webs transmit vibrations in response to local noise.
The Environment Protection Authority has received results identifying the species Karenia mikimotoi (Kar-een-ia mickey-mow-toy) as the cause of the ...
Fruit fly mutants that have severe sleep deficits perform better at olfactory learning and memory tasks, according to a new study. The paradox of enhanced memory despite sleep loss could be explained ...
Make friends with the natural world at the Butterfly Pavilion. The nonprofit's new interactive exhibit, "Legacies: Invertebrates of Mexico," features millipedes, scorpions, tarantulas and slipper ...
Butterfly Pavilion’s new exhibit highlights the cultural connections between humans and their invertebrate neighbors.