Proponents of the bill said these policy changes would help ensure that classrooms don’t force a stand off between teachers ...
Diana Harshbarger is leading a bill to codify a policy that only the U.S. flag can fly over public buildings and ban pride ...
Red flags to look out for when hiring house cleaners and cleaning companies include suspiciously low prices and no ...
According to State House records, there have been at least eight attempts to revise the New Hampshire state flag since 1989, ...
According to the Utah bill, only approved flags would be allowed on government property: state, federal, military, Native ...
Three Democratic representatives have introduced a bill to establish a committee overseeing the redesign of the Washington ...
Some members of the Washington State Legislature want to initiate a process to redesign the state flag, which could see the ...
New Utah law would allow for Nazi and Confederate flags to be shown in schools but not Pride flag - A Utah Republican said ...
A new lawsuit accuses the Trump administration of stiffing U.S. businesses of hundreds of millions of dollars in unpaid bills ...
Florida lawmakers are again considering banning Pride and Black Lives Matter flags at schools and other government buildings.
Don Bigler and his wife lost their Victorian home in New Hampshire to a fire, but his Eagles flag survived the blaze.
Viral video circulating social media shows an individual in black holding a Palestinian flag reading 'Sudan' and 'Gaza' ...