Police in England's West Midlands were able to wrangle an escaped donkey wandering in traffic by "bribing him" with his ...
He said: "The fighters were given a donkey to deliver ammunition to the front line. "What did you expect? Cars are in short supply these days." A video of Russian soldiers riding on donkeys was ...
Seeing these stunning snakes, lizards and my personal favourite, a gorgeous Rhinoceros Iguana called Donkey Kong, worked up an appetite so it was off in search of food, though this Lunch would ...
In Bakersfield, a witness reported a disturbing sight as she watched heartless owners push a beautiful Belgian Malinois out of their vehicle last month. As one of the saddest stories rescuers ...
Just three days ago, a heartbreaking case of animal neglect and cruelty went viral on social media as ThisIsHouston animal rescue organization posted several photos of an eight-pound puppy picked up ...