Discover how AI technology is unraveling the ancient mysteries of the Nazca geoglyphs in the deserts of southern Peru.
The street art competition will team up artists in a 90-minute match and see who can throw up the best design on a wall.
With mediums ranging from painting to ceramics, from landscape sculptures to home furnishings, the artists who participate ...
Etran De L'Air, Tinariwen, Mdou Moctar, Bombino and Tamikrest are just some of the acts who deserve wider exposure.
As hundreds of motorists take to the desert, their tracks damage the massive geoglyphs made by Indigenous groups in northern ...
Unfortunately, the privilege to drive anywhere and respect for the outdoors don’t always go hand in hand. Across the Americas ...
Mongolia can take a lifetime to happen but rewards the intrepid traveller with enduring memories of a surreal, delightful ...