They angrily accuse Israel of being “colonizers” yet 67 countries speak English, 21 countries speak Spanish, 29 countries ...
Sudani, emphasized the importance of private sector partnerships to reduce reliance on imports and meet domestic industrial ...
Despite these times of a tumultuous, multifront war, the MENA2050 organization, which comprises academics, policy-makers, ...
Since its creation in 1949, Mossad - Israel 's infamous secret service - has developed a reputation for conducting intricate ...
On Thursday, it is anticipated to experience a mix of rain showers and rising temperatures across the country.
The Israeli intelligence agency has proved masterful at espionage and assassinations since its founding in 1949.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world, yet its origins have always been ...
Hammurabi, the sixth king of the First Dynasty of Babylon, is not only remembered for his famous legal code but also for ...
The map was first discovered in 1882 by the archaeologist Hormuzd Rassam in what is now Iraq. However, since then ... Marduk ...
Quranic story of the Prophet Noah that still lingers to this day: how long he lived. He is supposed to have preached to his ...
How many of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World can you name? Chances are it’s less than you think and they’re not to be ...
The propeller is described as bronze, approximately 50 inches in diameter with a Serial Number 1346 R 1064 and is valued at ...