Some people might decide to be more cautious online after such a snafu.
The state election board was recently taken over by a conservative majority. Its latest proposals are dangerously late in the process and most likely illegal, according to the secretary of state.
Shannon Murphy, senior editor for MLive who oversees The Bay City Times, The Flint Journal and The Saginaw News, said her motto this season has been to expect the unexpected. “It helps make our coverage plans easier to change when you aren’t rigid,” she said.
The United States Presidential Election is rapidly approaching. Here are some key dates to ensure you get your opportunity to vote.
Forecast previously showed that former President Donald Trump would win in Georgia, Arizona and North Carolina.
Uncertainty in of itself can make consumers hold off on making any major buying decisions. A perfect example is the uncertainty over who wins the election this November.
The former president has long claimed, despite evidence to the contrary, that elections are corrupt. What if he carries through with threats to prosecute the officials who run them?
Donald Trump’s obsession with election fraud that doesn’t exist in any significant form could drive the country into a government shutdown — and may even put the Republican House majority at risk.
Voting begins today in Wisconsin – one of several battleground states likely to decide the election's outcome.
Students still have learning gaps four years after the COVID-19 pandemic. More teachers enter the classroom without rigorous training. Administrators say they’re struggling to pay for security upgrades after the Uvalde massacre. Now, Texas is at the center of debates over whether public funds should be used for private schooling.