Indigenous children in British Columbia will have access to more culturally relevant child care spaces with over 300 new child care spaces opening in the province. Three new Aboriginal Head Start ...
First Nations Agriculture and Finance Ontario (FNAFO) has launched a program that will help Indigenous youth learn more about pursuing a career in agriculture. The program will teach high school ...
The federal Tri-agency recently awarded funding to researchers, projects, and infrastructure in the country through programs such as the College and Community Innovation (CCI) program, John R Evans ...
The École des sciences de la gestion (ESG) at the Université du Québec à Montréal has received dual international accreditation from the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and the Business Graduates ...
The British Columbia Institute of Technology, Cambrian College, OCAD University, and Thompson Rivers University have recently opened new labs and training spaces on their campuses. BCIT, in ...
A free pilot program called the Me-yaw-sin Micowin–Michif culinary program is helping Métis youth gain culinary and employment skills. The program is run by bistro owner Chef Dean Herkert in ...
The Government of Québec is investing $13.5M in the relocation of the École nationale de l’humour (ENH). With this funding, ENH will purchase a building in Montréal’s Quartier Latin that is better ...
Projects at Lakehead University and the University of Saskatchewan have each received funding from the Government of Canada to enhance climate change education. Lakehead will receive $488K to ...
St Frances Cree Bilingual School in Saskatoon has received a $250K donation from Dakota Dunes Community Development Corporation to build a powwow arbour on its grounds. The pwātisiwakamik outdoor ...
Teachers, educational professionals, and school support staff who work at the Cree School Board will be walking off the job after discussions failed to make significant progress. The unions ...
Northern College has partnered with the District School Board Ontario Northeast (DSB1) and the Northeastern Catholic District School Board (NCDSB) to offer a micro-credential that will train ...
Dalhousie University’s Board of Governors has approved the design of a new residence with the capacity to house approximately 200 students. The university will be removing its Mini-Residence houses in ...