Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar on Thursday said the Jalgaon train accident was the result of a "sheer rumour" about fire by a tea-seller inside the Pushpak Express, which led to panic ...
Railways has launched a high-level investigation into the Jalgaon train incident that led to passenger deaths caused by the Karnataka Express. The probe, by a five-member committee, will focus on the ...
At least 12 train passengers were killed in western India Wednesday after being struck by another train on an adjacent track ...
At least 12 people were killed and 10 others injured on Wednesday after they jumped off the Mumbai-bound Pushpak Express amid rumours of a fire in a coach and were mowed down by the Karnataka Express ...
Congress MP and Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi, on Thursday, expressed condolences on the demise of the passengers in the Jalgaon train tragedy.
In Maharashtra's Jalgaon, an emergency chain's misuse by seven passengers and false fire rumors triggered panic on the ...
A Nepalese man took a photo of his mother at the train station in Lucknow; hours later she was dead, having been run over by ...