To enhance operational safety, the U.S. Air Force’s 14th Civil Engineer Squadron, Fire and Emergency Services Flight, has ...
Separately, the researchers also developed a soft gripper, which can be attached to a rigid robot. It was tested in the South ...
Engineers have designed a tiny, low-weight and cordless robot that can act independently and with ultra-high precision in all directions in some of the most extreme conditions. The robot, which the ...
This is particularly important for a tiny robot that is easily affected by even the slightest air draft. The robots were designed to be as light as possible — just 84mg — as the ...
We got the Arduino, though, and the tiny robot family is a more than sufficient spiritual successor to the digital life of the old BEAM bots. The tiny robot family is [shlonkin]’s growing ...
A tiny robot is able to transform its form and function by putting on different exoskeletons to allow it to perform a variety of different tasks, from walking to rolling, and from sailing to even ...