Every Boy I Know Is Obsessed With ‘Pipe Rock Theory’ Conner O’Malley understands these freaks better than anyone else.
Maasai girls are taking up martial arts to protect themselves from sexual abuse and violence stemming from early marriage.
Michael Anestis, executive director of the New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center, said that most firearm use is for target ...
With personal safety and empowerment at the forefront of modern conversations, Dr. Fang Miao, a globally recognized Women’s ...
In an interview with The Michigan Daily, Dorsey said there is a misconception that self-defense is a purely physical skill.
When it comes to self-defense, it is always better to have the skills and not use them than to not have them and be left ...
The Anderson County Sheriff’s Office wants to continue to teach women self-defense techniques that could save their life.
Ghashfool Shishu and Jubo Forum, a programme of World Vision Bangladesh, has organised a three-month karate training ...
They are about to practice combat techniques. And no ... Centre partners with I’m Worth Defending to teach combative self-defense skills. It’s not so much so that they can physically fight ...