Such a precipitous increase in the value of U.S. equities has stirred up the usual cacophony of equity-bears screaming “bubble!” “Bubble” is a popular term, but, as it turns out, is rather ill-defined ...
March, the US stock market had one of its worst moments since last summer, in large part over mounting fears of a trade war.
This age-old stock market indicator is flashing red right now for near-term investors: the Dow Theory. But what exactly is ...
"Just because asset prices go up doesn't mean it's a bubble," BMO's Brian Belski told Business Insider.
In this Sunday edition of BI Today, we're talking about the current market's similarities to the dot-com bubble burst almost ...
Here are five signs to look for to judge whether we’re in bubble market territory and what we’ll likely see if we’re there. A stock market bubble is a speculative frenzy when stock prices ...
A new survey found that the majority of active traders are bullish, despite some thinking the market is in a bubble Stock-market bulls have been celebrating lately. The S&P 500 SPX has clocked in ...