The old joke about the dinosaurs going extinct because they didn't have a space program may be overselling the need for one.
Radiation from a nuclear explosion can vaporize the surface of an asteroid and change its trajectory, a new study finds.
The groundbreaking study demonstrates for the first time how a nuclear blast could alter the course of a threatening asteroid ...
Research published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters reveals that supernovae release iron isotopes into space.
As the number of satellites around the Earth increases, so does the risk of radio interference, a rising concern for ...
A laboratory experiment conducted by an international team of researchers has confirmed that the X-rays emitted by a suitably ...
The radiation dose for the 2.5 year round trip between Earth and Mars should give approximately a 1% lifetime increase of a ...
Astronomers have spotted a massive pair of jets releasing material from a distant black hole. The jets are so large they span about 140 Milky Way galaxies in length.
Detectors inside Artemis I’s Orion capsule show how much radiation exposure its mannequins underwent and how effective a ...
Five species of bacteria were collected from the International Space Station, according to a study published in the journal ...
The Antarctic ozone hole usually starts forming in early August, but rare warming events and a strangely elongated polar ...
New Starlink satellites’ radiation leaks are 30 times as large as those emitted by older satellites, scientists discover ...