For years, the debate over eliminating the penny has centered on its rising production costs and dwindling practical use. But ...
Scrap the cent or keep it; I don’t care. But let the decision be based on sound reasoning, not on gaudy talking points that add nothing to the debate.
Re “So long, penny! Trump orders U.S. to ditch 1-cent coin after decades of complaints” (Feb. 10): Consider this solution to ...
Whether or not the penny will actually go away is yet to be seen, but there’s still time to begin a coin collection.
Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters are sometimes designed by artists laser-sculpting tiny portraits of leaders and ...
Our beloved penny has recently come under attack. Production may even be halted. For now, the nickel has been spared despite it costing 13.8 cents to produce and distribute. The solution could be ...
The US Mint, in its 2024 Annual Report report, includes a table showing the cost of producing pennies and nickels.
You don’t need to be a coin collector to have piggy banks stashed around your house filled with quarters, dimes, nickels or pennies. However, you may not be aware of the potential fortune you ...
Pennies were the most common coins produced by the Mint last year, followed, in order, by quarters, dimes, nickels and then half dollars. Do other US coins cost more to make than they're worth?
In addition to pausing production of pennies for a decade, the bill also proposed modifying the metals that compose the nickel and shifting the $1 bill from paper to a metal coin. None of that ...
Unlike theirs, Schweikert’s bill would temporarily suspend production of both pennies and nickels to allow a study of whether production should stay suspended, be ended or be reinstated.