Among of the new trustees appointed to the British Museum is an academic expert opposed to the return of antiquities taken ...
Detail from the western frieze of the Parthenon. British Museum, London Photograph by Josse/Scala, Florence In 1687, during a war fought between Venice and the Ottomans, the great monument was ...
The activities and lesson plans developed for this Web site comprise a multidisciplinary unit that uses television, the Internet, and other resources as learning tools to explore and understand ...
Q: The sculptures within the Parthenon also seem to clearly pay tribute to the human form. Hurwit: Yes, and to the Athenians in particular. I think this is best expressed in the frieze that ...
After conservative UK leaders refused to send Parthenon fragments home to Greece, a new government has ushered 'constructive' ...
Cheltenham Paddock with Cleve Hill 1947 – estimated at £60,000-80,000. The Gypsy Girl, a c.1920, consigned by a descendant of the man to wh ...
Carlsruhe and Copenhagen have pieces of Parthenon metope slabs from the Doric frieze of the temple. Dr. Jan Six, the son of the Amsterdam medalist, and a descendant of Rembrandt's familiar ...
The cause of the Parthenon marbles was therefore both personal ... single panels within the larger frieze, narrate mythological battles of the Athenians against the Amazonians and the Centaurs ...