^{4}\textrm{He}\) When a radioactive atom emits an alpha particle the mass number decreases by four and the atomic number drops by two. Here is the equation for the alpha decay of radon-219 into ...
Nuclear waste becomes less dangerous over time on its own, because nuclear decay is a spontaneous reaction that will happen of its own accord. Even radioactive elements that decay into other ...
This Q-value calculation programme allows you to calculate reaction Q-values and threshold energies and decay Q values based on the 1995 ... The program QCALC has been produced by the National Nuclear ...
There are two main classes of fundamental nuclear data, concerned with nuclear structure and decay, and with nuclear reactions. The Nuclear Data Section is responsible for providing accurate and ...
Example nuclear reactions include radioactive decay, fission, the break-up of a nucleus, and fusion, the merging of nuclei. Low-density nuclear matter, found in neutron star crusts, transitions ...