Of all the bugs New Zealanders could have selected to win an international competition, they chose neither the prettiest, nor the most useful. The NZ velvet worm won this year’s New Zealand Bug ...
But they’re not the only crawlies on the move, and more will come as the climate warms. Michaela Gower reports. A few years ...
A native New Zealand insect that once mimicked its toxic neighbor has changed color in deforested areas, in a striking example of human-induced evolution. The long-tailed stonefly, Zelandoperla ...
Huntsman spiders, native and infamous in Australia, are also found in parts of New Zealand, most commonly in Auckland. The ...
with the whē or New Zealand praying mantis missing out on the top spot by just 110 votes. “The competitors this year were really diverse: we had insects, spiders, snails, slugs, springtails and ...