Scientists have moved about about 300 endangered sea corals from South Florida to the Texas Gulf Coast for research and restoration.
Life made the modern Earth as much as the Earth made life, a new book by a philosopher of consciousness argues. That dynamic ...
Researchers from the University of Hawaii are working on an innovative way to protect Hawaii’s reefs from erosion. These ...
Aside from two waterfleas, the invasive species living in Lake Erie are very similar to those taking over the rest of the ...
Left to nature, coral’s mating prospects are somewhat restricted by their inability to walk, fly or swipe Tinder to find a mate.
Fiji’s sea surface temperatures hit their highest in 650 years, threatening marine biodiversity and coral ecosystems.
Neighbors can be annoying. They may be loud or intrude on your space. But is it worth fighting with them? Parrotfish choose ...
Volunteers gathered today on James Island to be a part of a larger South Carolina coast restoration project in Beaufort.
As our planet warms, animals face numerous challenges. Pets can suffer heatstroke or burn their paws on hot pavement.
Ngamugawi wirngarri is a new species of coelacanth, an ancient fish species that has lived on Earth for over 400 million ...
Sharks are deserting their coral reef homes as the climate crisis continues to heat up the oceans, scientists have discovered ...
Some 285 divers removed 31,773 invasive lionfish from fragile coral reef ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, according to a press release from the Florida Fish and Wildlife ...