“While this specific mnemonic device exists to deter people from touching poison ivy, it turns out there are also many ...
Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) is a vine that contains an oily resin known as urushiol. According to the Centers for ...
Another plant you really want to avoid touching is the wild parsnip. These look related to the aforementioned giant hogweed, ...
When you’re spending time outdoors this summer, in your own yard or hiking in a park, it’s useful to know to spot poison ivy.
The leaves typically come in groups of three ... depending on the time of year. Like poison ivy and poison sumac, poison oak releases an oil called urushiol when it sustains damage.
Poison Ivy thrives in a climate changed world. Plants grow faster, bigger and have more toxic oils with increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and higher temperatures. As warmer ...