Henry Kissinger was known for his monumental ego. And at the end of his life he asked for … an actual monument. In his will, ...
He said that the ‘fat can be cut, so [the US military] can go toward lethality ... that Trump is attempting to pursue a Reverse Kissinger Strategy, namely, to befriend Russia to isolate ...
At the height of the Yom Kippur War in 1973, Nixon ordered an emergency airlift of resupplies to a struggling Israeli military, and memos from the period show Kissinger pushing back against the ...
Henry Kissinger, who died Wednesday at age 100, was an American original. And like many who merit that description, he was not born in the United States. Global leaders pay tribute to Henry ...
RIYADH: US Secretary of State Henry Kis­singer has assured King Faisal that the Unit­­ed States harbours no military intentions to­­wards Saudi Arabia. “I would like to state ca­­­tegorically here ...