The Wars of Alexander's successors, were a series of conflicts that erupted among the generals of Alexander the Great.
These paintings are Bulgaria’s best-preserved artistic masterpieces from the Hellenistic period. Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0 Découvert en 1944, ce tombeau date de la ...
How Hellenized was the Jewish religious culture of the time? Jewish culture and civilization during the Hellenistic period was in intense dialogue with Hellenistic culture and civilization ...
Located on the western coast of Türkiye, facing Athens, the city of Teos was in antiquity a major hub of culture, art, and ...
However, it is commonly believed that the amazing structures that animate these wall paintings are a work of fantasy, rather like theatre backdrops, "In fact, real buildings that are from the same ...
Dr. Hassan Ashkanani, a professor of archaeology and anthropology at Kuwait University, confirmed that the discovery of a building dating back to the Hellenistic period is a significant ...