Anicia Juliana was a Byzantine woman who managed to conquer the fields of architecture, using her massive wealth and noble lineage.
In fact, entasis is the Greek word for tension or swelling. The kinds of optical refinements that we detect in the architecture of the Parthenon were far older than the fifth century. In the sixth ...
In the UK, there is a stunning Greek temple where visitors can spend the night. Are you interested in staying there, too?
Ancient Greek architects toiled for a degree of precision, detail, and beauty worthy of their gods, transcending current construction. When asked what succinctly divides the architecture of the ...
The Athenian opened a few months ago in the historic Stevens Thomas House, a Greek columned house built in 1846-49 by a man who became a prominent Athens banker in the 19th century. Thomas Street in ...
However, when we discuss Greek art and architecture, it is important not to see Greek civilization as a generic whole. The ancient Greeks thrived and innovated for centuries, and artistic styles ...
The playwright Euripides introduces us to the various forms of Ancient Greek architecture, theatre and culture. Art. Theatre. Architecture. We Ancient Greeks are very, very creative. Take me for ...