This is a great April Fools’ office prank because they’ll never see it coming. And hey, who wouldn’t want to open a boring, old filing cabinet and find it filled with colorful fish?
The best version of a “That’s what she said” joke is made by Michael in the first episode the joke is referenced, and it’s ...
My dad put googly eyes on everything in our refrigerator from funny This great dad ... This prank works best if there are multiple different bathrooms in your office. All you need to do is print ...
A key element from the U.S. version of The Office is the inclusion of a good prank and, by “good,” we mean a merely funny trick or even a gag that did not go so well in the end. This does not ...
This April Fools’ prank for parents is also a great April Fools’ Day office prank to play on your co-workers. It will have them wondering why their world was flipped upside down! Sneak ...
What’s a great prank to pull based on this zodiac ... “A good prank for a Capricorn could be an office prank like hiding or replacing supplies and waiting for everyone else to get frustrated.” ...