In One Piece, with hints about Devil Fruits overtaking their users, could Luffy's peak transformation turn him into a ...
Zoan Devil Fruits, like the Nika Fruit, possess a will that could overpower the user. Luffy's indomitable willpower may ...
Luffy represents Nika's values and uses Zoan Fruit properties metaphorically. The Nika Fruit chose Luffy, implying he may ...
Bonney's Nika transformation, similar to Luffy's Gear 5, grants her rubbery properties and the ability to manifest Gomu Gomu no Mi powers. While Bonney's Gear 5 is as strong as Luffy's ...
Speculation abounds on Nika connection. One Piece’s Egghead ... the Giant only awakened once Luffy tapped into the power of Gear 5, and Joy Boy forced his return. Through the Drums of Liberation ...
Luffy’s Gear 5, in particular, isn’t merely a power-up ... However, Oda introducing Nika in the Wano Country Saga through Luffy’s transformation isn’t a coincidence.