A Harris County law enforcement commission blocked a fired sheriff’s deputy acquitted of murder from getting his job back, records show. Garrett Hardin, a 21-year law enforcement veteran, was fired ...
Garrett Hardin was launched into the spotlight back in 2022 when, as a Harris County Sheriff's sergeant, he shot and killed a man accused of shoplifting. Bodycam video shows Roderick Brooks wouldn't ...
Unless we start kicking out more elected representatives for doing what we ask, periodic DOGEs will be part of American life, ...
I explain that the exercise was inspired by an ecologist named Garrett Hardin and an address that he delivered 50 years ago this summer, describing what he called “the tragedy of the commons.” ...
Pct. 4 hires former HCSO sergeant who was fired over deadly shooting After being acquitted in the 2022 deadly shooting of Roderick Brooks, former HCSO sergeant Garrett Hardin is back on the force ...
Meanwhile, debt accumulates. Philosopher Garrett Hardin’s original description of the tragedy of the commons was couched in terms of a shepherd bringing one more sheep to graze on an unowned ...