A herd of wild goats, with a wise leader called Sherpa, are often hungry and cold. Sherpa observes a flock of tame goats being tended by a goatherd, and provided with food and a warm sleeping place.
A notorious herd of goats plaguing a seaside town in Wales have been caught on camera munching the hedges and gardens of furious families. The protected flock of Royal Kashmiri goats has been ...
The flock was in quarantine when the goat tested positive ... Minnesota saw one case of HPAI in a wild bird in the last 30 days. Since the start of the outbreak, Minnesota has seen the greatest ...
The resulting reduction in "time-to-market" would be a boon for producers, as the generation of a production flock—in the case of goats—could be accomplished within 18 months or less.
Last year was an exceptional milestone for the Central California condor flock, as nine wild chicks fledged from their parents’ nests, “the highest number of chicks (to fledge) in the program ...