Q. 1223. What is perjury? A. Perjury is the sin one commits who knowingly takes a false oath; that is, swears to the truth of what he knows to be false. Perjury is a crime against the law of our ...
Did I take the name of God in vain? Did I curse or take a false oath? Did I use bad language? Did I miss Mass on a Sunday or a holy day of obligation through my own fault, without any serious rea ...
“When they say things that are false in a courtroom, especially under oath, it’s almost unmeasurably large,” Krasner said, “because what it fundamentally means is that people don’t want ...
She was charged with 35 separate offenses: 14 counts of making a false statement, oath, or affidavit, 11 counts of aggravated identity theft, and 10 counts of identity theft. She pleaded guilty to ...