A decades-old cosmic mystery may finally be solved. Scientists now suspect that the strange X-ray glow from a distant white ...
Astronomers have spotted a red dwarf star in a system that is almost certainly the source of a radio signal that, for a while ...
Astronomers have detected mysterious X-ray signals coming from a nearby white dwarf star for more than 40 years. We may now ...
For a decade, a radio signal has puzzled astronomers. Every two hours, a pulse from the constellation Ursa Major travels ...
For over 40 years, astronomers have been puzzled by strange X-ray signals from the Helix Nebula’s white dwarf. Now, they may ...
Scientists believe the two stars – a red dwarf and a white dwarf – are in orbit around each other so tightly that their ...
For years, scientists believed mysterious radio signals came from aliens. However, a breakthrough reveals they originate from ...
An international team of astronomers reports the detection of two new brown dwarfs orbiting distant stars using NASA's ...
Co-author Martin Guerrero from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia told Phys.org that debris from the shattered planet ...
About 650 light-years from here, in the constellation Aquarius, lies the planetary nebula Caldwell 63, commonly known as the ...