"This model allows us to study, in living mammals, how nerves recover after an injury and could contribute to understanding what happens in rare diseases that affect corneal innervation, ultimately ...
In vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) is able to demonstrate the characteristic corneal and conjunctival anatomy in vivo at the cellular level. Normal corneal innervation and cell distribution ...
“The cornea is the windshield of the eye,” said ... Kuragenx stimulated re-epithelialization, re-innervation and stromal regeneration so the structure and physiology of wounded corneas ...
Expert Rev Ophthalmol. 2008;3(2):177-192. In vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) is able to demonstrate the characteristic corneal and conjunctival anatomy in vivo at the cellular level. Normal ...
This laboratory has described the activity of key neurons involved in corneal sensitivity and has developed an experimental model to study nerve regeneration in the cornea, advances that could ...