The three-inch-long “Cheetozard,” a Flamin' Hot Cheeto that looks like the Pokémon Charizard, sold for $87,840 at auction at ...
A bag of Cheetos will typically cost you a few bucks. But a story you might have heard this month claims someone paid $87,000 for just one Cheeto.
The styling isn’t for everyone, but what lies beneath the cheesy surface is a functional and impressive basketball shoe.
Orange and blue bags that typically contain a cheesy snack were used to conceal about 40 pounds of methamphetamine, according to Indiana deputies. Two “suspicious” packages containing Cheetos ...
Columnist David Marcus travels to Calgary to find out how Canadians feel about the growing tension between their country and ...
Two “suspicious” packages containing Cheetos bags were shipped to an address in Evansville, the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s ...
Cheetos bags containing meth were seized in Indiana, deputies said. Two were arrested. Photo by the Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Office Orange and blue bags that typically contain a cheesy snack ...