Researchers from London's Moorfields Eye Hospital, biotech firm MeiraGTx and University College London have demonstrated that ...
Zandy Forbes’ biotech company MeiraGTx has developed targeted gene therapy methods to treat more than just genetic disorders.
A promising study out of the United Kingdom has partially restored the vision of multiple small children born legally blind.
Jace, from Connecticut, is one of four children all born with severe childhood blindness who gained 'life-changing improvements' to their vision after an experimental trial of gene therapy.
A Connecticut boy is among four children who were born legally blind and saw "life-changing improvements" in their vision ...
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The Indiana Blind Children’s Foundation’s No limits Celebration shines a spotlight on artists and performers with disabilities, with award-winning artist Lachi headlining.
The new field is part of their Comprehensive Blind Soccer Initiative serving blind and visually impaired children and young adults. The new approach is meant to coach blind soccer for participants ...