A new Global Biomass Resource Assessment developed by ORNL scientists gathered data from 55 countries, shaded in green, resulting in a first-of-its kind compilation of current and future ...
Caption This map shows the first high-resolution (ca. hectare scale) map of aboveground live dry biomass and carbon stock for the conterminous United States. Sample postings are 30 meters and are ...
Following its arrival at Pariacabo harbor in Kourou, French Guiana, ESA's Biomass satellite has been rolled out of its ...
Our biomass maps reveal strongholds of long-term carbon storage and can help inform management. Ultrahigh-biomass areas (> 3,000 metric tons per hectare, purplish pixels) are rare. Across the ...
and download our Forest Biomass Briefing Book to learn even more and spread the word. You can also explore our interactive map of biomass projects in California to see existing and emerging threats.
They can represent either numbers of a particular organism or their biomass, which is living tissue. A pyramid of numbers approximately shows the numerical proportion of different organisms at ...