While Bernard Sumner was busy being in multiple great acts from Manchester, he had plenty of time to appreciate the greatness of other local acts.
Without ever having become a technically flawless singer, Bernard Sumner now embodies New Order's more accessible vision, while Peter Hook has become the guardian of the Joy Division temple.
New Order performed at the Sydney Opera House forecourt on 14 and 15 March 2025 as part of the Summer on the Forecourt ...
Bernard Sumner can’t remember much about the first time New Order toured Australia in 1982 with the punk poet John Cooper Clarke, save for “a few horrible hangovers”. By 1985, however ...
Bernard Sumner and Peter Hook were inspired by a local Sex Pistols gig to gather guitars together and went looking for a singer. Finding Ian Curtis - and later Stephen Morris on drums - they ...
Taylor Parkes talks to the formidable guitarist about why he's been happy since The Smiths just doing a bit of this and a bit of that Former Joy Division and New Order guitarist Bernard Sumner talks ...
The Manchester band played an 18-track gig at the Zepp Namba venue in Osaka yesterday, ahead of a date at the Ariake Arena in Tokyo tomorrow (February 27). Midway through the main set, Bernard ...