GHENT, WV (WVNS) — When we think of the most legendary presidents our nation has had, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, typically takes the first or second spot.
When it comes to Mexican presidents, Benito Juárez is pretty difficult to beat in terms of achievements and legacy.
Today is the anniversary of the birth of America’s greatest president, Abraham Lincoln. As a politician and as president, Lincoln was a profound student of the Constitution and constitutional ...
Lincoln had struggled to heal the wounds of war, yet he became one of its last victims, and the war left the country no less divided. Abraham Lincoln grew up on the American frontier. Born in a ...
"Abe Lincoln's few schooldays were spent at a 'blab school': that is, one in which the children 'read out,' Chinese fashion, at the tops of their voices." The larger part of our information ...