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To balance the remembrance and anticipation experience during the holiday, the first two Sundays in Advent (through Dec. 8) look forward to Christ’s second coming, while the last two Sundays ...
Beginnings matter; writers know that beginnings matter. St Mark knew that when he wrote, The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ. It is not the beginning we expect. No Christmas story, no baby ...
As of this past Sunday, liturgical churches have entered the Season of Advent. “Advent” means arrival or coming and the focus becomes the arrivals or comings of Jesus. One such coming is as a baby ...
It is also a time of preparation when Christians think about the second coming of Christ and what they need to do to be ready for his return. For Christians, Advent is not just a time of ...
The three purple candles will be lit on the first, second and fourth Sunday of Advent. The pink candle ... It symbolises the birth of Christ and the change in the colour of the season.
Each Sunday during Advent, we’ll share a reflection to help you deepen your spiritual experience and contemplate the mysteries of the season and the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas!